What Is Free Weight Training?
Weight training is a form of strength-building exercise that typically focuses on working against some type of resistance. Most often, this resistance is provided by a physical weight—but there are different ways to go about it. Some athletes swear by fixed-weight machines. Cable machines and bench presses are practically mandatory pieces of gym equipment. Other athletes prefer something called free weight training, which uses portable weighted items, not fixed machinery.
This discussion will focus on free weights, but we’re fans of both types of resistance training. We believe that athletes can find success using either style or a combination of both!
Understanding the Mechanics of Free Weight Training Workouts
When you think of free weights, handheld dumbbells may be the first thing that pops to mind. While they may be a classic example, any “free” or unfixed weighted object works for this style of training, like kettlebells or medicine balls. Sound flexible? That’s because it is. In fact, flexibility is one of the biggest benefits of engaging in free weight training routines.
Unlike most machine-based workouts, free weight training programs are 100% adaptable. This is because of the portable nature of free weights. You can incorporate them into an endless number of workouts customized to suit your unique physical needs. Plus, they are affordably priced and come in an enormous range of sizes and weights, making them a good choice for any athlete who occasionally likes to work out at home!
Free Weight Training Tips and Techniques
Ready to start crushing your first free weight training routines? Consider the following tips and techniques from our team:
1) Know Your Goals
If you have a clear idea about your fitness goals, it will be easier to develop and maintain a good routine with free weight training. Think about what type of results you want to achieve from these workouts. Bring these goals to your fitness coach. They will help you determine the right moves to meet them.
2) Start Small
You don’t need to be the strongest athlete in the world from day one. Take it slow with smaller movements that focus on excellent form. Once you nail the basics, you can progress into heavier weights and bigger workouts. The sky’s the limit, but everyone has to start out somewhere.
3) Find What You Like
If you prefer certain workouts, that’s great! Your coach can help you find ways to incorporate free weights into those routines, making it easier for you to stay motivated and keep going.
4) Etiquette is Key
Hitting the weight room at the gym? Be sure to keep gym etiquette in mind. Lots of people use that space! When you use free weights at the gym, be sure to give them a good wipe-down and put them away after use. This shows respect to your fellow athletes.
5) Make It Social
Since they’re so adaptable, free weights are great for social exercise, whether you’re at the gym, at home, or in a fun outdoor space like a park.
6) Find Your “Happy Place”
Free weight training is an entirely portable fitness routine that you can customize to fit your needs. You can perform a free weight workout anywhere from the gym to your living room to the beach, so if a certain setting encourages better workouts for you, go for it!
Free Weight Training: Staying Safe
If you want to try free weight training for the first time, we recommend teaming up with a dedicated fitness coach. Your coach will be able to help you choose appropriate workouts and weights for your unique needs and experience level, will teach you how to perform each routine, and will ensure that you are using the correct form. Coaches also offer valuable support as you navigate new fitness routines, and they help you keep your goals on track.
If you are a newcomer to the fitness world, we recommend chatting with your doctor to double-check that weight training is right for your body.
Experience the Benefits of Free Weight Training at Jack City Fitness
At Jack City Fitness, our coaches can provide free weight training programs to athletes of every fitness level. We’re here to help you meet ALL your goals and see REAL results. To learn more about what we do, call (208) 999-1111 for your FREE fitness consultation and gym visit. Tour our amenities, try our first-class equipment, and meet your future coach! Once you sign up to become a Jack City Partner, you’ll have immediate 24/7 access. We can’t wait to meet you and help you smash your goals!