We all know it’s great exercise, but how many calories does walking burn? Read on to learn more about walking calories from your friends at Jack City Fitness — we’re experts!

Are Calories Burned by Walking?

For most of us, walking is a daily activity, whether it’s around the house, around town, or as a form of exercise. If you are interested in fitness, you might wonder about calories burned from walking and whether walking itself has any benefits. 

We have great news for you: walking is a fantastic way to get your blood flowing and even clear your head. It’s also a great way to promote joint health and leg strength. And while it’s less intensive than some forms of exercise (like running or HIIT), it’s a bonafide calorie burner! 

That said, walking is not a “one size fits all” type of workout. The number of calories you burn on a walk will depend on many factors, like your own body weight, the pace or speed you maintain, and the amount of time or distance spent moving. Specific stats, like calories burned per mile walking, will depend on these factors.

Time and Activity: How Many Calories Do You Burn Walking?

As we mentioned above, there is not just one answer to the question. Everybody has different paces and circumstances that affect their calorie-burning rate while walking. However, you can find a ballpark number if you crunch a few numbers; there are lots of apps and athletic calculators that show how many calories you burn on a miles-per-hour basis. Your fitness coach will also be able to help you figure this out. 

In the meantime, consider the following example as a guideline:

Let’s say you weigh 140 pounds. You go for a three-mile walk to your friend’s house and it takes you an hour. You’ll burn four calories a minute during this stroll, or 224 in an hour. However, that same walk would burn more calories if you weighed 200 pounds. In that case, at five calories per minute, you’d burn upwards of 300 by the time you got to your friend’s place. 

How Many Calories Do You Burn Walking a Mile?

So, how many calories can you burn walking a mile? 

As with determining your walking calories per hour, the rate at which you burn while walking will depend on your weight and pace. It’s also important to remember that outdoor walks vary greatly in terms of terrain and weather! An hour’s walk through the hilly streets of San Francisco will use far more calories than a level stroll through downtown Denver, just like trekking upwind through the snow against a heavy wind is going to be a much more physical experience than an hour at the mall. All of these elements make an enormous difference to calories burned by walking a mile. 

Curious about how to learn your exact number? If you downloaded an app to calculate your overall calorie-burning rate, you can use that to determine a general rate per mile. And remember, if you have any questions, we’re here to help!

Does Walking in Place Burn Calories?

With all this talk of mileage, it makes sense that many athletes wonder whether they can burn calories while walking in place, like on a treadmill or elliptical machine. After all, not everybody loves the unpredictable nature of outdoor exercise—especially during the height of a humid summer or icy winter! 

Fear not—while outdoor walks are great tools for calorie burning, they aren’t the only ways. Plenty of athletes prefer to do their walking indoors on a piece of equipment or utilize a combination of the two.

A few reasons why so many athletes prefer indoor walking (or a hybrid):

Several external elements affect calories burned from walking. By walking on a piece of fitness equipment rather than outdoors, you are giving yourself a more controlled environment to work out and burn calories. Things like wind and weather, incline, or type of terrain won’t play into the experience, making it easier for you to create a solid routine with results you can count on. 

An enormous plus of workout machines: they’re machines! Unlike rugged outdoor terrain, workout machines were designed to suit thousands of different athletic abilities and needs. Most walking machines, like the treadmill or elliptical, allow athletes to enter their weight, choose a difficulty level, or even input their heart rate using sensors. These options allow athletes to create a workout experience that suits their own unique needs. 

Indoor exercise is weatherproof—and that suits most athletes. Sure, some diehard runners or walkers will happily hit the road during a thunderstorm, heatwave, or blizzard. However, many of us don’t feel that way—and that’s okay! Inclement weather is a perfectly valid reason for not wanting to take a walk outside. Indoor walking machines like treadmills give athletes another option, even if their go-to is generally outside.  

how many calories does walking burn

What’s The Most Effective Piece of Equipment for Peak Walking Calories?

While much of this still comes down to specific circumstances, we can’t write a whole article about walking calories without mentioning our personal favorite: the Woodway treadmill. Benefits of this particular machine, known for its unique curved shape, are tenfold: 

How many calories can you burn walking on a Woodway treadmill? According to its creators, a lot! They report that their treadmill helps athletes burn up to 30% more calories than they would on similar pieces of equipment. This is due to the intense, full-body workout its curved bottom offers. 

As we mentioned above, the Woodway features a special curved design. This unique shape both encourages proper form for walking and running too. In fact, some physical therapy centers use these machines for rehabilitation. 

One of the coolest things about the Woodway treadmill is that you don’t need to press any buttons or choose any complicated programs. Instead, the machine works with the athlete; the belt will slow down if your pace does, and it will ramp up if you go faster. That means it grows with you as your athletic prowess soars!

If you’re hoping to burn some extra calories, High-Intensity Interval Training activities, or HIIT, might be a way to reach your goals. The Woodway can help with this! Its ability to match athletic speed makes it a great choice for the short, intense bursts of exercise that define HIIT. 

Just because you want to work out inside doesn’t mean you don’t love nature. If you care about keeping green, the Woodway is a great piece of equipment to use. After all, it doesn’t require any electricity!

Are There Any Boise Gyms With Woodway Treadmills?

You bet! At Jack City Fitness, Woodway treadmills are among the many innovative and popular pieces of workout equipment on offer. We know our athletes deserve the very best. 

Will I Lose Weight from Walking?

Sure. However, for healthy and long lasting weight loss, it’s important to think of things on a “long-term” scale. The best way to do this? By developing and keeping healthy changes to your lifestyle: exercise, nutrition, the whole shebang! We recommend working with a dedicated fitness coach and/or nutritional counselor to find the appropriate tools for your unique goals, fitness level, and background. A professional will help you stay accountable, safe, and confident as you move forward with your fitness journey. 

Ready to start that fitness journey? We’re waiting for you at Jack City Fitness! We’d love to have you over for a FREE fitness consultation—and we’re more than happy to let you jump onto one of our Woodways to see what the fuss is all about. While you’re here, you’re also welcome to peek into one of our classes, chat with our coaches, and ask us any questions. We have everything that a Boise athlete needs to succeed and meet their goals, whether it’s more calories burned from walking, a new outlook on nutrition, accountability buddies, or first-class equipment!

To get started, call us at (208) 999-1111. We can’t wait to show you our gym and help you smash those goals!

When the weather freezes do you freeze your workouts too?

If you’re reading this from Boise, Idaho, you may be thinking it’s too cold to leave the couch. But we’re here to tell you that just because you may have lost motivation, miss your Boise outdoor workouts, or just don’t want to leave the house, there’s still reasons and easy ways to keep your fitness at its peak throughout the winter months.

Read on to hear some helpful tips from our Jack City Fitness Founder and Fitness Coach, Marshall Weber.

He insists, “Continued and consistent exercise is something that can be completed no matter what the season or the weather outside.”

So you’re a runner? You like to run outdoors in the beautiful weather. Marshall would argue that if your view of “exercise” is a single track modality like Cardio (cardiovascular) exercise, then you’re truly not exercising at all.  He says, “I would argue that if the weather and season determines your capability to exercise then you’re missing over half of the pie right off the start.” And who doesn’t want the whole pie?

But don’t take it from us.

Science has proven again and again through study after study that nearly double the benefits are available through weight training (resistance training) in comparison to cardio. This is good news for you because gyms don’t close just due to inclement weather conditions. Gyms always have weights (at least we think they should), and they’re just waiting to be picked up. Within that realm, we’re not aware of any health and fitness facilities that place the resistance tools outside (except Venice beach).

To make this seasonal question of “how do I workout throughout the winter months” more applicable, we’ll run with the idea that your resistance training is being completed outside during the winter months. So, if you find yourself lifting weights outside during the winter months, Marshall’s only question to you would be, “Are you waterproof?!”. (Hint: you are. We all are.)

The biggest benefits of a scientific exercise prescription from a multi-certified strength and conditioning coach come from consistency and being capable of making yourself comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Rain, snow, wind, or all of the above would be optimal scenarios to increase your mental and physical state of well-being by conducting a proper warm-up and then exhausting all types of energy systems in a methodical exercise prescription.

Can we get to the point? Weather doesn’t matter. That’s just an excuse. You’re waterproof. So get to work!

If you’re searching for gyms in Boise, please trek your way through the weather and into our properly heated gym to warm up your body and cool down your holiday stress. We have several well-educated fitness coaches ready to put you to work. Come give us a try!

How to Control Breath While Running: A Jack City Guide

Looking for information on how to breathe while running on a treadmill or outside? Your friends at Jack City Fitness are here to share their best breathing tips for running  — anytime, anywhere!


Wondering How to Control Breathing While Running?

For many athletes, the concept of breathing while running seems complicated. Feeling breathless while running on a treadmill or street can be both uncomfortable and discouraging. If you can’t separate the concepts of running and breathlessness, you’re not alone. Many athletes feel this way — and often blame themselves or their fitness levels for this very common problem. 


Give yourself a break. You’re a fine athlete, and should be proud of your achievements. You weren’t born knowing how to breathe when running long distances — nobody is! It’s a skill that is learned, practiced, and honed, just like any other feat of athleticism. 

Runners aren’t the only people who benefit from and practice breath control. Musicians like flutists and singers, or other athletes like swimmers or yogis all rely on breathing techniques. 


If you’re ready to learn the best breathing techniques for running, whether it’s through city streets, wooded paths, or at your favorite gym, we’re here to help you master the skill. Read on for our top tips on how to control breathing while running.


Breathing Exercises for Running

Looking for treadmill running tips? Maybe you prefer the open road. No matter where you’re getting your jog on, these techniques will allow you to control your breath while you’re on the move.




A key to keeping control of your breath while running is good old oxygen. When you perform a physically strenuous activity like running, your body requires more oxygen than usual — and when you don’t fulfill that, it’s easy to get winded. 


Many of us tend to breathe primarily through our noses in daily life, but running is a different playing field. When you’re running, you might find that breathing in through your mouth helps your body take more oxygen in. This leads to less breathlessness. Some runners also like to employ a technique of breathing in through their nose and out through their mouths — see what works best for you.




If you’ve ever taken a singing lesson, this tip will probably sound familiar to you. Your diaphragm is a crucial part of your body, especially when it comes to proper breath control. 


Not all breaths are alike. Take a deep breath now, as you read this. Did it come from your chest? Chest breathing is completely fine for everyday respiration, but when you run (or sing), you’re much better off going a bit deeper into your body. 


Try doing this now, while you aren’t running. Put a hand over your chest and another on your belly and take a deep, deep breath. You should feel your stomach expand beneath your hand, rather than your chest. Then,  give your belly a gentle push as you exhale. You want your exhale to be lengthier than your inhale. 


These deep breaths are referred to as “diaphramic breathing,” or “belly breathing.” They will allow you to breathe more deeply while you run. It’s also a fantastic singing technique — try hitting a high note on a diaphragmatic exhale!


A tip from us: This breathing technique can feel a bit funny if you’ve never tried it before. To get the hang of it, some people like to practice it for a while at home before bringing it to the treadmill or running path. Try giving it a whirl while lying on your back — it’s a good way to really feel your diaphragm move as you breathe. 




Let’s say you’re out for a run, and you find yourself getting more breathless than you’re comfortable with. Though your first inclination may be to just move through it, you may find yourself exhausted or nursing a painful side stitch. Trust us, you’ll make better time and feel much better if you listen to your body and give yourself the space and pace you need to catch your breath. Take a break from running if you need to!


When you’re completely winded, it’s nearly impossible to catch your breath while running. If you find yourself struggling to breathe, slow down to a brisk, comfortable walking pace for a couple of minutes. When you find your breath, you can take off again — and this time, remember to use that diaphragm! 




We all want to run as fast as Usain, but when it comes to safely and productively engaging in athletics, it’s always best to work at your own pace. Don’t worry — the more you train and practice at a reasonable pace, the easier it will be for you to gain speed down the line. 


Want to know if you’re running at the right pace for your fitness level? Your breath is a great way to determine this. Most pros say that if you can carry on a conversation or comfortably sing “Happy Birthday” while running, then you’re at an appropriate pace for your fitness level. If you’re too winded to even imagine that, it’s time to slow down.


Can’t stand the heat? Humidity getting you down? Rainy days causing slippery streets? Weather can certainly impact running conditions. Athletes often find that hot weather in particular can make a run more difficult and uncomfortable. That’s why lots of athletes prefer to run at a fitness center or a gym: there’s no muggy, sticky weather to contend with, nor is there ever poor air quality from busy, polluted streets. Plus, a good fitness center will have plenty of running-specific machinery for you to utilize. We especially recommend trying a Woodway treadmill; their unique curved design allows for better form and burns more calories than a traditional running machine. 


Where Can I Perfect My Running Skills Here in Boise?

For those lucky enough to live in Boise, we have great news. Jack City Fitness is the perfect spot for you to practice your breath control and put it into action. We’re the only gym in town with Woodway treadmills, so our partners can engage in a more dynamic running style that optimizes overall performance, burns more calories, and promotes better form. Combined with support from an experienced coach and a proper handle on breathing exercises for running, Jack City runners are at the top of their games.


Ready to see what’s up? Get in touch with our team! We’ll invite you to visit our Boise fitness center, where you can try our Woodway treadmills in person, meet some of our team members, and even undergo a FREE fitness consultation. If you like what you see, you can become one of our partners right away, so you’ll have instant access to our classes, 24/7 fitness facility, and coaching services. We even offer custom training options — we’re here to help you become the best athlete you can be. Come and see us! We can’t wait to see what you’re made of.


They say it takes two to tango. The truth is, there are loads of activities that are made better with a partner, not just dance! For many people, one of these activities is working out. Some athletes even find that hitting the gym and exercising is much more effective with a buddy than solo since it helps both parties stay accountable and motivated. 


Who Should I Pick For My Gym Buddy?

Your gym partner will play an important role in your life. You will see each other grow and work, lift one another up, and bond in ways you never expected. When it comes to finding a good match for you, we recommend you consider the following factors:




If you can’t stand your colleague’s offensive jokes, you won’t enjoy his company at the gym either. Go for someone you like to spend time around, even if you aren’t super close.




If you’re looking to build muscle, it makes sense to find a gym buddy who wants the same result. Otherwise, you’ll be looking at very different workouts.




Let’s say that you’re a ‘tough love’ sort of person: a super-sensitive gym buddy might not be a good match. Accountability is good— hurting feelings because of miscommunication is not. 


What are Some Workouts That I Can Do With a Partner?

There are countless workouts that can be done with a partner. We’ve narrowed it down to some of our favorites. That said, there are plenty more where that came from.




This fun partner workout will require a resistance band that has a handle on both sides.


To perform the squat see-saw, face your partner, with each of you gripping one of the resistance band handles. Stand straight up, with your arms stretched overhead. Have your partner drop into a squat while pulling the band down and between their legs. 


Switch poses, and continue to go back and forth, like a see-saw, for at least 40 seconds. 




While you still have your resistance band handy, we’d like to introduce you to the partner heel tap. To perform it, lay on your mat, facing upwards. Your partner should be standing at your head, holding both handles of the resistance band. They will keep their knees bent and core engaged throughout this exercise. 

Lift your legs up and into a ‘tabletop’ pose. You want your shins to run parallel to your mat. Your partner will then hook the band around both your feet.

Engage your core and slowly lower your feet to the mat. Tap your heels to the ground, and then lift yourself back up and repeat. 


Switch places, when you’re ready.




We hope you haven’t put that resistance band away yet— we have another workout that relies on this handy little piece of equipment. Here, you’ll need two resistance bands. It’s worth it— squat jumps really do make for an excellent partner workout. 


To perform, face your partner. Both of you should hold your own band, with a hand holding each handle. Introduce tension to your band by extending your arms straight out and giving it a pull. At the same time, both of you should engage your core, lower into a squat, and then jump up. Once you’ve landed on your toes, repeat the movement. 


Tip: On the odd day that your buddy can’t make it to the gym, you can still perform this one solo.





This effective partner workout requires a medicine ball. 


To perform, begin by standing back-to-back. Secure yourselves into a low squat position, with your thighs parallel to the mat beneath you. Grab the medicine ball and hold it to your chest. Use your upper torso to rotate to the left side and pass the ball over to your partner. They will, in turn, rotate right to grab it from you. Then, you’ll rotate to the right, as they pass the ball over to their left.


Repeat for 10 reps, then switch directions.




This routine is somewhat similar to the previous workout we outlined, with a few key differences, mainly regarding your stance. The twist pass will require the use of a medicine ball.


To perform the twist-pass, begin about two feet away from your partner. Face away from each other. Give yourself a wide stance and keep your knees slightly bent. Using both hands, hold the medicine ball and rotate to your left side, passing it to your partner. They will twist to their right side to retrieve it, before moving back to their left to pass it off to you. You, in turn, will rotate to your right to retrieve it. 


Repeat in each direction for 20 seconds at a time.




While you’re still using that medicine ball, we thought we’d include another partner workout that utilizes it. The lunge to chest pass is a fun workout to perfect with your gym buddy. 


To perform, stand at a distance from your partner. You want to be 5 feet away, minimum. Hold the medicine ball to your chest and engage your core. Keeping your back straight, move forward into a lunge. Your back legs should remain at 90 degrees. Your partner will do the same. Once you’ve both lunged towards each other, push the medicine ball from the center of your chest over to your partner. They will receive it, step back, and then repeat. 


After 10 reps, switch sides for your lunges. 




Not all partner workouts require equipment! In fact, lots of workout teams choose to use each other’s body weight as a living piece of equipment. The wheelbarrow squat push-up is a (super impressive) example of that. 


To perform this routine, climb onto your mat and get into a plank position. Be sure that your core is engaged, your arms are straight, and your shoulders are aligned with your wrists. Then, have your partner grab your ankles to take on a ‘wheelbarrow’ pose. Lower yourself into a pushup. At the same time, your partner will come down into a squat. Return to your starting poses. 


Repeat 10 times before switching positions. 




This routine is enjoyable, requires no extra equipment, and is a satisfying skill to hone with a partner.


To perform, face your partner before both getting into a high-plank pose. At the same time, perform a push-up. When you come up, tap each-others left shoulders using your right hands. Continue this, switching arms with every push-up. 


Aim for at least ten reps for this workout.




This partner routine has a similar idea to the shoulder tap push-ups, but utilizes a different workout. It’s a great starter routine for athletes with less experience: though it’s intensive, it’s easy to learn.


To perform this pose, begin by facing each other in a high-plank position. You want to be about a foot apart. Lift your right arms and reach for each other’s left shoulders. This will be a quick movement. Repeat the same move with your left arms. 


You’ll want to aim for at least 8 reps on this one.




We love this partner workout: it’s sort of the adult version of leapfrog! 

To perform this routine, climb into a plank position on your mat. Engage your core, keep your back straight, and make sure you’re in a comfortable pose— you’ll hold it for awhile. As you plank, your partner will stand at your feet before making a lateral jump over your ankles. After landing on their toes— as lightly as possible— they will immediately jump back to the other side. 


Do this for half a minute. Then, switch positions. 


Whether or not you choose to work with a partner, Jack City Fitness is your number one spot for exercising and feeling great, right here in Boise. Our gorgeous facility is home to all the latest athletic equipment, a crew of passionate fitness and nutrition coaches, and a host of classes and activities for our partners to utilize and enjoy. Plus, once you sign up with us, you’re entitled to 24/7 gym access so that you can work out on your own schedule.

Ready to get moving? You can get started today, even if you’re practicing social distancing: we offer custom online training sessions to our partners. Get in touch with us today— we can’t wait to see what you’re made of!