Legacy Strong

Every fitness journey has different stages! Are you ready to take back your life or just want to continue living as healthy and fit as possible? This class is for anyone 55+ and embodies everything aging seniors need. The older we get, the more important it is for us to workout with purposeful resistance so come give it a try!

    Class Structure

  1. Controlling all Movements
  2. Expanding Range of Motion
  3. Everyone will be going through this group workout at a different pace so please understand if extra attention is needed toward others from one movement to the next.

    This class is perfect for you if

  • You understand that physical manual labor construction or being involved in a strenuous hobby like mountain biking is not the same as working out.
  • If you're over 55 and you're starting to feel the aches and pains of your younger years.
  • You have never worked out in your life and are ready to start!

As we age, the return on investment for resistance training and functional exercise compound exponentially. If you’re looking to live longer, move easier, and feel better then this is the class for you. This fitness class holds no strict age breakdown (so in other words, even if you feel old, please jump in so we can help you get back to feeling like you did back in the good old days)! If you’re suffering from painful movement or restricted movement, we can help you regress or progress any of the exercises in our small group Legacy Strong class. Below you will find a breakdown of a few key points to consider regarding our elderly and senior exercise class outline.

First, I’ll clear the air on some confusion regarding exercise as we age with some scientific facts to help you realize the importance of attending Legacy Strong. It turns out there is extreme validity (and scientific data to back it up) to the age-old saying, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” This pertains to every type of movement: Speed, agility, quickness, power, strength, muscular, and cardiovascular endurance. All directions and types of movement directly determine your likelihood for traumatic injury or death. Avoiding any type of movement in your senior years has a tremendous negative correlation to your life expectancy. In life, you will have numerous curveballs thrown at you. You will have to react and utilize all types of movement, which will be reinforced during our senior fitness class. If you do not have the capacity to move safely in exercise movements, you are extremely likely to get hurt doing so in a real-life scenario. We work hard in the gym in order to have fun and stay injury free out in the real world.

Before you completely write off attending this class, know that our coach-to-client ratio plus education allows us to cater this legacy strong class individually to each participant. For example, it’s not a problem if you have multiple aftermarket body parts (Hip, Knee, Shoulder Joint replacements) and/or painful movements. We will adapt the workout to meet your needs and guarantee results for a healthier and happier lifestyle. With an overall goal to teach each attendee how to control and utilize all types of movement safely, this is a very rewarding class no matter your health status.

The workout format consists of a 10–15-minute movement prep, which consists of the newest scientific research to mobilize those old joints and stimulate those dormant muscles. After we wake up and correct your muscles, we will target your central nervous system for about 10 minutes. By properly turning on your muscle fibers and central nervous system, we allow for the primary workout to be more effective and less likely to create injury. The primary workout is around 20 minutes of scientifically-effective exercise. Finally, we do our best to finish with a simple cool down for 5-10 minutes. By ramping up working out and cooling down, we guarantee you’ll feel like a million bucks leaving the facility.

If you’re over the halfway mark on your life expectancy or you’ve been told by a physician that you should never deadlift or squat, this is the class for you. Or if you’re simply starting to feel old and don’t feel comfortable moving due to injuries or lack of experience, jump into our senior fitness class. We look forward to helping you learn your limits and achieve the results you’ve desired. I’ll leave you with one motivational fun fact. After you are unable to stand up from a seated position without assistance, it is proven you have less than five years of life expectancy remaining. It’s time to get started today and jump into our Legacy Strong senior fitness class!

– Marshall Weber