Constance Bostaph

Accountability Coach

Beyond The Gym

    • Let’s get Real. What is your largest health and fitness thorn? How do you prune this thorn?

      I would have to say, My mind. It’s powerful. My thoughts have always had the tendency to control what I do or don’t do. If I am thinking negatively about my body, circumstances, surroundings, etc. I tend to choose laziness and stagnation. I am improving in this area as I have been more aware of it. Taking control of my habits and not allowing negative thoughts to dictate my actions has been hard but life changing. It is still a work in progress but slowly and surely, I am making better choices, daily.

    • Results matter Most. Why are you a Personal Trainer? What motivates you to Coach people?

      I know what it’s like to be sick, overweight and depressed. I have been through some tough seasons in this life. I’ve lost loved ones and been bed ridden. Choosing to support my health and pursue becoming strong was not an easy task but the best decision I ever made. As I started making changes to my life, I saw the positive results in not just my body but in my mind and spirit. I saw how many other people unknowingly are suffering with diseases, weak immune systems and are prone to injuries that could easily be avoided with proper strength training. I developed a passion to support those who are wanting to make positive changes to their health and fitness. Our bodies are designed so intricately and wonderfully. Our bodies were designed to serve us to live optimally and efficiently. Helping others achieve strength, knowledge in nutrition and mental clarity brings me joy and gives me a purpose.

    • Education is Success. How are you better than all the other personal trainers? What makes your Coaching different?

      Experience has been my greatest teacher. All of my 20’s was a stomping ground of personal experience in fitness through trial and error. Hours of stress management and up close intensive social work gave me knowledge on just how much the human mind is influenced by our surroundings, relationships and life choices. Who we are and who we become is based off of our thought patterns and daily habits. Coaching people in their fitness and nutrition is more than just some time in the gym and eating some vegetables. I help people make their health their priority for optimal functionality. Fitness and nutrition is a caveat to something greater: Living your best life. Coaching people to tap into their conviction and not just their temporary feelings toward making better habits is my forte and what sets me apart. Mental Health is the driving force toward positive change. Start there and you can achieve so many great things!

    • Are you human? Who are you outside of the Gym? What are some of your hobbies you enjoy?

      I love my family. I have a little girl and boy and a loving husband. My life with them is the best I could ever ask for. Spending quality time biking, skiing or even just reading a book together is what I most enjoy. I also enjoy baking and shopping with friends. I am a social person by default. I enjoy sitting down over coffee and getting to know people, listening to their stories and encouraging them. I hope to write a book someday or a couple. If I could, I would travel out of the country, annually, to a place I have never been before.

    • You’re my People. When is the best time to connect with you? How do you like to meet new clients/friends?

      I love to meet new people and if I am approached I always will take the time to introduce myself and get to know you! I love to meet people at the gym or even just in a passing aisle at the grocery store. If I’m working out and you see me in the gym during my own personal session, I promise I am not giving you a stink face. I am just trying to stay focused on not dying. I will always want to connect with you if you approach me.